WARNING: Some of my best work is in here! :-)
After letting my own body and mind slide recently...I want you to take the time out to read this...and follow the tips to help keep your body in check - for YOU and your family. I'll be honest, I don't blog a lot, nor do I 'feel I have the time to read a lot of blogs'...or even update facebook enough to keep up with the times, BUT THIS blog should stay saved on your computer and please read it all. YOU deserve it! REVERT back to this blog when things start spiralling out of control.
This facebook post was where it started:
WHO is looking after YOU?
Yes this is called Doing it for the Kids and we're all about making a healthy lifestyle for our family, our children...but are YOU looking after yourself also?
Are you drinking 2L+ of water a day?
Are you eating at least 3 times per day?
Are you exercising?
Are you getting some sun (vitamin D)?
Are you relaxing?
Are you taking 'mummy time out'?
Are you choosing real, fresh (and organic where possible) ingredients?
Are you listening to your body?
This post isn't meant to make you feel like there's 'another thing I'm not doing'....it's to remind YOU to look after you and your body, as well as your family and children.
Mums and Dads forget. So here I am, reminding YOU - to love YOU, and care for YOU, too.
Truthfully, this is why you haven't heard from me much over the past couple of months. I let too many things slide. Downward I went. Admittedly the break from social media was absolutely fabulous. I had to break a bad habit!
Getting your priorities right are important, it teaches our children to care of themselves...because their parents took the time to show them.
Back to the exercise, back onto some very vital minerals and vitamins for MY body and voila...she starts to flower again.
PS. Keeping up with the Jones' never works, no I didn't try it...but don't try it. Live by your chosen motto, not everybody else's. xx
SO THEN I went on and did a post for each question/topic above as the initial post was so well received...read on. Take notes, stick it on your fridge, do what you have to!
Drinking 2L+ of water a day. Are YOU?
I'm sure we all know that water and air are the most important elements we need for survival. So why wouldn't we be making sure we're doing it right?
What is waters role in our body?
Removes wastes and toxins
Lubricates joints
Assists digestion & metabolism
Carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells through blood
Helps cool the body through perspiration
Keep lungs moist for breathing
Complications that can arise from not drinking enough water are:
Muscle soreness
Water retention
Poor muscle tone
Digestive complications
Excess body fat
Increased toxicity
Over worked and over stressed organs
None of that sounds inviting does it? Considering the above, we must understand the importance of water (preferably filtered or alkaline) in our every day. Not just for us, but out little ones also.
CUT the fruit juice, reduce the milk, cordial, soft drink - whatever you're drinking, and replace it with water, or coconut water.
Some tips to help you get through the 2L+ per day. (Remember if you're exercising you should be drinking 2.5L-4L depending on exercise activity):
*Get a 2L jug and have it at your work desk or kitchen bench and don't go to bed until it's finished
*Put lemon, lime or orange slices or blueberries in your water if you're struggling with 'flavour' or are used to drinking flavoured drinks
*Pack a water bottle everywhere you go. Don't leave the house without one
*Before you eat out of hunger, try drinking a glass of water first and see how it sits (very important with children also)
*Drink water at room temperature or a little higher (in these winter months its cold no matter what, add a little boiled water to warm it up). Room temperature or warmer water is absorbed by the body more readily and is better for blood flow.
*Each time you go to the toilet, go and refuel with another half - full glass of water
*With every other drink you have ie. coffee, tea, alcohol etc - drink an extra 1-2 cups of water
*If you're struggling with water retention, excess fat/fluid - drink MORE water, it's likely you're not drinking enough
Priority H20 is your mission. Accept?
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Are YOU eating at least 3 times per day?
Following on from our self care for parents posts, we're up to eating. Who loves to eat? Yes!!
Eating should NOT be a chore, nor should it be unenjoyable.
Nourishing your body should be one of your biggest self love components. Part of nourishing is eating regularly, with fresh, preservative & additive free foods (organically where possible).
There just isn't any excuse for not eating, I know it happens, sometimes it happens more than we like it to...but let's try and work on some tips to ensure we 'skip' less meals and listen to our bodies.
1. Preparation is your closest friend when it comes to eating for optimum health. Prepare your meals in every possible way.
Eg. Pack leftovers from dinner or make a salad for lunch the following day while you're doing the evening 'clean up'. Use leftover vegetables, add some salad leaves, use leftover protein (meat or eggs), pack a tin of tuna, pack a little container of nuts and seeds, along with fresh lemon, lime, olive or coconut oil for dressing.
Meal plan to ensure you're not relying on less preferred choices for dinner.
2. Pack your fridge with lots of fresh options to grab, avocados, cherry tomatoes, chopped cucumber, celery, carrots, capsicum. Dips for dipping your vegetables. Eggs for easy omelettes or frittatas at the ready. Leftover roast or grilled meat. If you have all of these things prepared grabbing something nourishing to eat is far easier.
3. Have a 'rescue pack' in your handbag, nappy bag, work bag containing some nuts, seeds, goji berries, coconut chips or the like. This can save you eating less preferred options while out or in the car and you need to eat.
4. Smoothies are fabulous for on the go, pack them with greens, nut milk or coconut milk, chia seeds, berries, LSA, maca powder, vital greens and bang, you're off for a good start no matter what time of day you wish to consume it. Don't get these confused with replacement shakes however, a good homemade smoothie beats any pre-made drink you will ever buy.
5. Make sure you're not turning to sugar for quick fixes. Less sugar is best. 2 pieces of fruit maximum and limited sugar elsewhere is ideal to keep your blood sugar levels in check and to avoid over eating. Eat some fat instead ie. a teaspoon of coconut oil, a few teaspoons of avocado, a very small handful of nuts, a raw treat with plenty of nuts, seeds, cocao to ensure you're nourishing the body not depleting the body.
6. Vegetables, protein & fats are your friends, followed by complex carbohydrates and minimal sugar. Each time you eat, ask yourself if the first 3 items listed here are part of your meal.
7. Learn to enjoy eating and learn to enjoy preparing healthy meals if you're not already. There are many options and resources these days, raw, grain free, gluten free, dairy free, clean, there's plenty to choose from - see what works for you and your family. There is no one size fits all here.
Eating regularly is vital for our blood sugars, digestion and metabolism. Avoid headaches, blood sugar spikes, vitamin and mineral depletion, lethargy, tiredness, no energy, binging.
Make your meals while you're making the children's - pack a lunchbox for your own house if you have to. Just don't forget to eat or push it out too far, eating something around every 3 hours until dinner is ideal. Not huge meals, just eating something nourishing that makes you feel satisfied. No, that's not chocolate or lollies, or takeaway.
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Exercise can be a daunting one for mothers and fathers, grandparents too. There's plenty of reasons why. Maybe you've been out of the game for too long, you have an injury, maybe you just don't have the energy, you don't have the time, fear of looking like a fool, fear of leaving your child in creche, fear of 'not making it', the list goes on.
Let me be the one to give you that extra push if I can. Why?
*Range of movement. Don't you want your body to move freely and actively until your 90's? Strength, conditioning and fitness is lost easily HOWEVER, it is also gained again quickly. Don't go too long without exercise, your body won't like it. Get moving and keep moving.
*Serotonin is a hormone within all of our bodies. We make this hormone pump around our bodies more when we're physically active, really sweating it out. Serotonin is your 'happiness' trigger. The everything is going to be ok trigger, the coping trigger. Serotonin plays a major role in learning, sleeping and mood. We don't want to stuff around with those now do we?
*Freedom. For 30mins, 45mins, 1hr a day you could have total freedom. Have the children minded, take them to your local gym creche and let yourself BE, for your chosen time period. This gives you a chance to clear the mind, regain some strength for the day and battle on with your happiest mood for the day. Do it for YOU.
*Do what you enjoy! If it's running - run, if it's bikram yoga - sweat it out, if it's dancing till your hearts content - dance. Do what you LOVE and do it well...by that I mean, try your best and sweat it out, pump up your heart rate. If it's water based exercise you prefer, pack that wet bag and GO.
*Strength. Are your children a handful to carry...do you struggle holding them? Might be time to work on your strength and conditioning. Being able to hold them for longer periods is very rewarding.
*Pick a yearly challenge. It may be a charity walk, run or even a marathon. It may be one leg of a triathlon. It may be to lessen your body fat by 10%. Work towards your challenge every week.
*Join a group if you'll feel more comfortable, it may just be at your local park. The Council offers exercise options FREE of charge for most suburbs. Check out your local council website. Take your neighbours or friends and LAUGH together.
*Nike is right. JUST DO IT. There isn't any excuses. MAKE TIME. Your body will love you in so many ways you may not know what to do with yourself.
Speaking from recent experience and as a previously active sport participant and pilates instructor...letting go of something you've always done (exercise) is not a good idea. It dampens your mood, it dampens your soul, it dampens your style. Get back to what you enjoy/enjoyed. Join a sporting team if that's what it takes...just get active. The social aspect and benefits it will bring truly are priceless.
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Vitamin D! Who got some SUN today? Good old natural Vitamin D, hallelujah!
Getting some sun is the next self love, self love topic for us parents. For YOU.
Who goes in the sun daily? (Granted Southern QLD hasn't been at it's shining best lately)...
Vitamin D is lacked in almost every Australian these days. We are told to stay out of the sun for skin protection, but somehow the message of needing Vitamin D from the sun is forgotten along the way. No, don't go and sun bake tomorrow for a few hours...there is a time limit for your unprotected skin.
So how do we get around this?
*Every day schedule 15-20mins in the sun, without sunscreen. If you are extra sensitive time your 'sun time' before 10am or after 3pm.
*Schedule a weekend day trip, picnic, play at the park for you and the family. Our children need the Vitamin D also.
*Get out of the house! Take extra long to hang the washing, take your cuppa outside and put your feet up in the sun, play with your children in the sun, take extra time at school drop off or pick up talking to the other mothers...fit it in somewhere.
*Getting the adequate intake from food can be quite difficult. So getting some SUN is very important for each of us...supplementing can also be required if you are highly deficient.
*Sufferers of the following should be very vigilant with vitamin D intake and possibly discuss supplementation with your Naturopath: Depression, Cardiovascular Disease, the flu, asthma, psoriasis, diabetes, muscle weakness.
*The body relies upon Vitamin D for proper body function. If things are amiss, consider Vitamin D.
*Vitamin D and Magnesium are in my mind wonder vitamins and minerals that each of our bodies require for proper body function and good feeling. Get out in the sun, eat more salmon, leafy greens - and if that's not working, consider supplementation with your local health store/Naturopath.
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Self care and self love for parents...relaxing...huh?!
I know for many of you it might seem that I'm talking another language here...relaxing, where on earth do I do that, or when on earth do I do that.
Again, it's all about planning and MAKING the time.
*Tag team on the weekend with your partner - one goes for coffee and a break, while the other minds the kids, the next day you swap (or same day).
*If you have a break with children at daycare, commit half an hour at least to relaxing. Watch your favourite TV show (but that's it - no folding washing while you're at it, don't use your computer at the same time etc). Meditate, take a nap - do what helps you RELAX.
*Take up meditation. I always thought meditation and yoga was a bit weird to be honest. Now I can't imagine my life without it. Start with 1 minute per night and build your way to 5-10mins. Meditating is allowing yourself to totally unwind, mind and body, without your mind thinking of a single thing, while either laying down eyes closed, or sitting eyes closed. You will need to find a quiet spot with no interruptions for this.
*Leave the house on the weekend. Take the mess OUTSIDE. Pack your lunch, morning tea and take it to the beach, park, your favourite lookout (Vitamin D plus no crumbs on the floor at home).
*Talk to your partner if you feel you're struggling to relax. Ask them for HELP. Whether it be stacking the dishwasher, taking the kids for a bath while you finish dinner, asking them to ask you to STOP when they know you're frazzled and need to relax.
*Schedule some time away from your family (for as long as you are comfortable) and laugh with your partner, or friends and extended family. Laughing cures everything.
I hope you make the time to relax...it's wonderful for YOUR body but it's also refreshing for your children. We can get a little overwhelmed, exhausted and frazzled at times, sometimes every day. Make time to forget the day and enter tomorrow with fresh energy.
* * *
Mummy time (or daddy time). Who takes it? It's our next self care/self love topic.
A lot of the points discussed in last nights post about relaxing are relevant for this also.
*Schedule a day trip or weekend away with your friends, child free. This doesn't have to be unachievable expense wise...pack your treats, designate shopping items: one person takes eggs, one takes fruit etc.
*Join a team, take up a hobby. That one hour + away could really help you cope with the everyday demands of parenthood
*Book yourself in once a month for your favourite treatment, pedicure, manicure, blow dry, facial, massage. To keep this affordable, keep your eye out for Scoopon, Groupon, daily deals etc.
*Escape to workshops that interest you. It may be health related, it could be sewing. Keep your eye out through the council website, local notice boards or through relative sites
*Food shop on your own. If you're anything like me reading labels and thinking of what I really need takes time...try and schedule a time with your partner to mind the children and do it ALONE.
*Don't hold back on what YOU want to do. Study, knit, sew, work for a charity. Make YOU happy.
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Are YOU choosing real, fresh (and organic where possible) ingredients? This is the second last post for our self love and self care topics for YOU, ensuring you're caring for yourself, as well as your family.
Obviously this topic is very important...the fuel you put in your body should be 'premium'.
*When I say real foods, I mean foods that have less than 2-3 ingredients on the packet, ideally. Nuts, seeds, goji berries, cocao, popcorn (popped corn), tins of tomatoes, raw honey, are some examples. If you're buying something in a packet - always check the ingredients. More than 5 ingredients on an item is too many for me personally. The only thing I allow is our GF bread - making GF bread needs more than 5 ingredients and some good baking perfection (not for me)!
*Steer clear of numbers and chemicals in packet food, as well as sugars. These will only play around with blood sugars, your nervous system, gut health and more.
*Eat fresh where possible. Meats, Eggs, Seafood, Vegetables, Fruit. This should be your first food list when it's time to eat or plan. Choose from this list first. Then add your FATS - coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds.
*Organic. Your first thought may be - I can't afford organic. Let me give you some ideas to start changing over - bit by bit. I have been working on this in the past 5 months for our family. And what a wonderful feeling it is to be changing ways to limit toxins and chemicals going into our bodies, not to mention the difference in taste of produce.
*Find your local organic market and set a budget for the week. Write a list of the foods you really want to purchase organic - apples, broccoli etc. Start low if that's what fits your budget, then gradually build it up as you can.
*Search for an online organic delivery service. Highly convenient - and in my experience a beneficial move cost wise. I buy what I NEED without distractions in a store. Each week I spend around $100 and get a good spread, sometimes this includes meat. I would have spent that at a supermarket easily.
*Aldi recently had VERY affordable organic items in store, coconut cream, pasta, rice, flours, pasta sauces and more. Keep your eye out for organic specials in your local grocery store.
*Recently I've added toothpaste, washing powder & soaker, body wash, dishwashing tablets and liquid & hand wash to our chemical free list. This is a personal choice of mine (something I've worked towards but also something I need to do for my hormones - joy!). The way to make it affordable is to buy one item per week. One per week makes it achievable!
The big message here is, limit the load on your body. Make fresh choices, eat less/no processed foods and make ways to limit toxic load so your body can function in a premium state. If you're not feeling energetic, happy, satisfied or comfortable, looking at how you're fuelling your body might be a great place to start. (Along with a good probiotic and a check up with your Naturopath for vitamin and mineral deficiencies).
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So here it is...the last of our dedicated posts to some relevant and important self love/care questions for us parents of Doing it for the Kids.
Are YOU listening to your body?
As I write this today, I think of how I've listened to my body this very morning. I woke feeling sore and exhausted - I knew that I'd be pushing my body to go to the gym today so I skipped it. Some may say this is just me being a little soft, the only way to get rid of soreness is to go and work the muscles again etc etc, but I know when to listen to my body. After all, we are all different and all have our limits.
When was the last time you STOPPED because you knew your body was struggling? Eg. having a nap, skipping gym, not travelling around town all weekend catching up with friends because you're exhausted, getting your partner to cook because you're about to drop?
You should feel comfortable making these choices and asking for help when you need it. Why?
You know the good old saying 'burning the candle at both ends'...parents are in high risk of this category. Our adrenal glands are the deciphering factor in this and can malfunction from intense and lengthy physical or emotional stress, known as Adrenal Fatigue. Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue include:
*Excessive fatigue and exhaustion
*Non-refreshing sleep (you get sufficient hours of sleep, but wake fatigued)
*Overwhelmed by or unable to cope with stressors
*Feeling rundown or overwhelmed
*Craving salty and sweet foods
*You feel most energetic in the evening
*A feeling of not being restored after a full night's sleep or having sleep disturbances
*Low stamina, slow to recover from exercise
*Slow to recover from injury, illness or stress
*Difficulty concentrating, brain fog
*Poor digestion
*Low immune function
*Food or environmental allergies
*Premenstrual syndrome or difficulties that develop during menopause
*Consistent low blood pressure
*Extreme sensitivity to cold
It's important to not let your body get into the Adrenal Fatigue state. All of those symptoms above wouldn't make for a happy body. Here's some more tips of listening to your body.
*Are you struggling to sleep well? Well all know sleep is as important to us as is water and nourishing foods. If you're struggling try: leaving your iPhone, iPad, laptop etc OUT of your bedroom, consider magnesium supplementation, meditate before bedtime, drink a herbal sleep blend, read a book if it helps your mind relax, remove any chemicals that might be setting you off (plug ins, diffusers)
*Have you had a niggling headache, joint soreness, upset stomach, muscle fatigue or ongoing 'niggle' that you've been overlooking? Don't overlook it. Look into natural ways to start healing your 'niggle' - or if you know it could be more serious speak to your chosen health professional. It could be something as simple as reducing gluten in your diet, taking fish oil, taking a probiotic or digestive enzymes that could help you overcome it. More than anything, feeling better and right is less stressful on your body than anxiety or worrying thoughts of your 'niggle'
*Listen to your body when you start to sneeze excessively, your nose starts to run, you feel lethargic. Stop what you're doing and work on recovering. Rest, drink herbal tonics, make yourself some lemon, ginger, turmeric, honey tea, drink some powdered vitamin c and stay warm. Don't let it turn into anything more than a sneezing/sniffly day or two. Take ACTION!
*If you know you're not feeling your usual self, reassess your self love/care plan. Am I nourishing myself, am I drinking enough water, am I sleeping enough, am I exercising, am I taking time out. If you feel the problem is deeper than this don't be afraid to delve further into it. Maybe it's something you need to add to your life like a hobby, a casual/part time job, more family time. Maybe it's something you need to decrease: social media time, work hours.
*It's not OK to just feel 'OK'...you want to feel good right? Great? Well? Energised? Exercise ways to feel great and energised. LISTEN to your body. You could be vitamin and mineral deficient, not all of them, but some. There is easy ways around this. Clean up your eating if you need to, remove additives and preservatives, processed foods and limit sugar. Cut caffeine if you feel it's playing with your energy. Find ways to FEEL BETTER/GREAT. There is no better feeling.
*Stop putting it off, LISTEN to your body and use your motherly intuition on YOU. YOU deserve it.
So there it is! Hope you actually got to this last sentence! And if you did - THANK YOU...and I hope you thank me one day for making sure YOU look after yourself :-)

Hayley xo
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